Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Black Keys and leather

I'm a huge fan of the US based band the Black Keys and last night I got the chance to see them live in concert here in Copenhagen!!!

 It was  mindblowing!! They played some stuff from almost all of their records, even from the very first albums, dirty heavy blues, I LOVE IT!!!!! I ran in to a good friend of mine at the concert, Patrick from The Castlerun, and after having discussed the matter for a while, we both agreed to the fact that the combination of heavy heavy bluesmusic, played at a certain volume combined with the consumption of a sigificant amount of beer, rips the very space-time continuum, thereby creating a timevault in which all impressions seems to blur into a big maze of pure awesomeness!!!!




So, today life seemed to just continue and do its normal tuesdaything being mellow and tuesdayish, so I decided to do a little work to one of the wallets im doing here at Very Motorcycles. When they're finished and i'm satisfied with the design, they will be sold here as well for an extremely decent price. I'm also working on some belts and other cool stuff of leather for all you hidelovers out there! 

Thats it for now, off for the US in two days !!!! WUHUU!! Cheers!!

May the winds of fortune always fill your sails!

-The Professor

Sunday, August 12, 2012


So, last night my good friend Lars had his 30th birthday party, with all the free booze you can imagine. After having drunk a lot of tequila I went to get some icecubes in the freezer, and unfortunately came across a bottle of royal danish "Rød AAlborg", the danish schnaps, crisp and with frost on it.. Sweet! Now, a lot of you guys probably know that schnaps is like poison to the mind, it grabs you by your genitals and F*¤%&#"KS you up!! Of course being vikings and everything we had to finish the bottle.....

Hence, yours truly have been very "under the weather" today.. Still, around five the weather was still beautiful and I was feeling very restless, so I thought lets go fishing! Packed up trusty old Thomsen ad off we went towards Helsingør, where the garfish are now migrating back into the Atlantic.

When I arrived the place was packed with tourists and the usual spot was to crowded, so i decided to go for a nice ride in stead. I found some beautiful backroads and came by Louisiana museum of modern art as well, always a cool place to visit!

...Ahhhhh lovely.. Total relaxing four-stroke meditation.. Since there obviously wasn't any catch I decided to go and grab some food at the local indian (dot, not feather) currystore B'India, where they make a mean curry!! Chicken Korma and a Mango lassi, and off to home. When I took off my helmet at B'india, I found a still alive wasp just by my right earpadding... Glad it hadn't been caught inside!!

Ok, thats all for tonight folks, tomorrow I'm going to a Black Keys koncert, here in Copenhagen, and on Thursday I'll be leaving for San Fransisco!! AWESOME!! Stay tuned for more stuff from the abyss and beyond!!

May the winds of fortune always fill your sails!

-the Professor

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Birthdaypost and awesome!!

What What WHAAAT???? BOOKS?!?! What have the world come to!?!
Hmm I'll tell you what.. This monday I was accepted at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) where I'm gonna study to become a Machine-/Mechanical Engineer. AWESOME!!!
 So today is my birthday (29) and I took good old Thomsen out for a spin out of town up to Lyngby, north of CPH,  where DTU campus lies, to purchase books for the 1st semester. Oh my god what a huge facility!!! I was absolutely amazed, went for a good long ride and then back into town where I had a good birthday lunch at one of my favorite cafes Granola, which Cay Broendum from have decorated. Awesome books with loads of challenging stuff, which will lead me down the path of becoming total awesome in engine-wizardry, mechanical-alchemy and other related stuff of matter and interest.

Here's a picture of Thomsen shot today. The bike will be featured in the October issue of GKM and not september as I first thought. Remember to get this months cool copy  @

...Also, a sweet feature this month is Dice Magazine's four-fold-issues, where "Red" from the Killer Bobbers bike is "covergirl" on #1 of the issues. Get em all @

Ok, thats it for now catch you soon with some more to "the timeline" and soon a "How the f*^k do I make this rusty beaten-up seatpan from the swap look awesome?"!!! Easy? We'll see about that so stay tuned!!

May the winds of fortune always fill your sails!

-the Professor